K-6th grade
Early - mid level beginning. Contains graded Folk Songs, and music from the Classical and Baroque era |
2nd-8th grade
Beginning and continuing students. Contains one octave scales in first position in various keys, arpeggios, and music theory prep. |
K-8th grade continuing students
Contains graded music from the Classical and Baroque era |
3rd-8th grade continuing students
Contains melodies taken from classical compositions and folk songs written completely in third position to solidify and add comfort in third position playing. Contains shifting practice and scales in first and third positions. |
3r-8th grade continuing students
Contains repetition exercises in shifting in preparation to more advanced shifting in Sevcik Builds comfort and strength in solo and orchestral playing when shifting to and playing in different positions. |
3rd-8th grade continuing students
Contains foundational information for early intermediate level students new to string orchestra Note reading in different keys Classic world melodies |
3rd-8th grade continuing students
Contains foundational information for early intermediate level students new to string orchestra Note reading in different keys Classic world melodies |
Beginning and continuing students.
Contains one octave scales in first position in various keys, arpeggios, and music theory prep. |
K-6th grade. Early-mid level beginning.
Contains graded Folk Songs, and music from the Classical and Baroque era |
K-8th grade. Early-mid level continuing.
Contains graded Folk Songs, and music from the Classical and Baroque era |
3rd-8th grade continuing students
Contains foundational information for early intermediate level students new to string orchestra Note reading in different keys Classic world melodies |
3rd-8th grade continuing students
Contains foundational information for early intermediate level students new to string orchestra Note reading in different keys Classic world melodies |
Extra-large print blank manuscript/staff paper
Preschool-2nd grade beginners 2 staves per page facilitates ease in note reading Each extra-large stave is roughly 2 inches for large print notation Level 1A |
Extra-large print blank manuscript/staff paper
Preschool-2nd grade beginners 2 staves per page facilitates ease in note reading Each extra-large stave is roughly 2 inches for large print notation Level 1A |
Extra-large print blank manuscript/staff paper
Preschool-2nd grade beginners 2 staves per page facilitates ease in note reading Each extra large-stave is roughly 2 inches for large print notation Level 1A |
Extra-large print blank manuscript/staff paper
1st-3rd grade beginners 4 staves per page adds the next level of challenge Each extra large stave is roughly 1 1/3 inches high Level 1B |
Extra-large print blank manuscript/staff paper
1st-3rd grade beginners 4 staves per page adds the next level of challenge Each extra large stave is roughly 1 1/3 inches high Level 1B |
Medium-large standard manuscript/staff paper
2rd-7th grade beginning and continuing students 6 staves per page Level 2A |
Medium-large standard manuscript/staff paper
2rd-7th grade beginning and continuing students 6 staves per page Level 2A |
Slightly larger than standard manuscript/staff paper
3rd-7th grade beginning and continuing students 10 staves per page Level 3A |
Slightly larger than standard manuscript/staff paper
3rd-7th grade beginning and continuing students 10 staves per page Level 3A |
Preschool-6th grade beginners
Preschool-3rd grade beginners
K-8th grade continuing students
Contains graded music from the Classical and Baroque era |
K-6th grade. Early-mid level beginning.
Contains graded Folk Songs, and music from the Classical and Baroque era |
K-8th grade. Small illustrated piano practice journal with wacky music pictures.
Contains practice day check offs and parent signature line. Teachers write in what music students are working on, and students/parents may check off practice days. |
K-8th grade. Small illustrated violin practice journal with wacky music pictures.
Contains practice day check offs and parent signature line. Teachers write in what music students are working on, and students/parents may check off practice days. |
K-8th grade. Small illustrated viola practice journal with wacky music pictures.
Contains practice day check offs and parent signature line. Teachers write in what music students are working on, and students/parents may check off practice days. |
K-8th grade. Small illustrated cello practice journal with wacky music pictures.
Contains practice day check offs and parent signature line. Teachers write in what music students are working on, and students/parents may check off practice days. |